This great long lasting bouquet is our number one selling number themed bouquet! Choose your colour (Pink, Silver, and Blue) and number for the birthday anywhere from 1-9. Also you can upgrade the bubble balloons to add more depth to your arrangement. If you need a number above 10 please contact us directly at 705-304-6267 and have the bouquet name and web page so we can custom build an option that works best for you.
Super Number Bouquet
- All balloon bouquets come standard with hi-float balloon life extender, balloon transport bag, and balloon weight. Please allow 3-7 days to book your balloon bouquet to ensure all pieces are in stock. For all immediate orders The Ballooning Company reserves the right to substitute a similar balloon of the same value into the bouquet. The client will be notified if there should be a substitution in the order.
Delivery Information: We will deliver the balloon bouquet to exactly where you need the bouquet to be. Please let us know the date, time, recipient's name if applicable, and the location of delivery.
Deliveries for orders to Lindsay, Peterborough and surrounding area cost approximately $5.00+hst per delivery, some restrictions do apply**